Table Tennis Rules | Detailed Guide

Table Tennis Rules | Detailed Guide

Table tennis is a fast-paced and competitive sport. It can be played between two players or two teams. These rules are designed to ensure that you play the game of table tennis correctly and fairly. The number of people who want to learn the rules of table tennis, which is very popular all over the world, is also quite high. In this article, we will tell you what the Table Tennis Rules are.

Here is a detailed explanation of the rules of table tennis:

Table Tennis Table Dimensions - Dimensions

Table tennis is played on a specially designed table. The table must be 2.74 meters long, 1.525 meters wide and 76 cm high. The table must have a green playing surface and white stripes.

Table Tennis Racket Dimensions

Each player has a racket with a wooden handle and a rubberized surface. The dimensions and materials of the racket must comply with certain standards.

 Length: The wooden part of the racket must be no more than 15.24 cm (6 inches) long.

Width: The wood of the racket must be no more than 15.24 cm (6 inches) wide.

Handle Length: The handle of the racket must be at least 10 cm (3.94 inches) long.

Wood Thickness: The wood of the racket must be at most 4 mm thick.

Table Tennis Ball Dimensions

The table tennis ball must be 40 mm in diameter and made of plastic material.

Service -Start of the Game-

The service is the shot that starts the game. The player who will start the match is determined by draw before the match. The server must throw the ball from the right corner of his own half of the court to the diagonal corner of the opposite court. During service, the ball must be thrown clearly upwards and hit. The ball must first hit your own half of the court once and then touch the opponent's half once. The service should be performed in a way that does not obstruct the other party's view. If the ball hits the net and lands on the opposite court during the service, it becomes a LET and this service requires a repeat. After every two serves, the serving athlete changes. (The server changes every 2 points).

Note: If the set goes into overtime, the server is replaced by one point.

Table Tennis Rules | Detailed Guide



Players; After the serve, they take turns hitting the ball to the opponent's court, provided that it passes over the net. Players; They try to score a point by passing the ball directly over the net, hitting it once into the opponent's court and making it go out, or they try to cause the opponent to make a mistake.

• As the game continues, players take turns hitting the ball. Each player can only hit the ball once, after which the opposing player kicks.

• A player scores a point if he hits the ball once into the opponent's court and makes the ball go out. On the contrary, if he throws the ball out without hitting the opponent's court or puts the ball into the net, he scores a point to the opponent. If the opposing player kicks the ball into the net or out incorrectly, a point is awarded.

• Players must follow certain rules when kicking the ball. For example, when kicking the ball, they should only touch the ball once.

Number System:

The game is played over a maximum of 5 sets. The athlete or team that wins 3 sets also wins the match. In table tennis, the game is played over 11 points. If a player or team reaches 11 points before the opposing player or team does, they win. To win the set, one of the players or teams must be at least 2 points ahead of their opponent when they reach 11 points. (For example: 11-8, 11-9, etc.) If the opposite situation occurs, for example, if the score in the match is 10-10, the set is extended to 12. Likewise, if the match is 15-15, it is extended to 17, and with this logic, the set continues until there is two difference.

Table Tennis Rules | Detailed Guide


Errors and Penalties:

Errors apply to certain situations during table tennis. For example, situations such as throwing the ball from the wrong place during the service, hitting the ball more than once, obstructing the opponent player's view, or not being able to drop the ball to the opposite field during the service are considered errors. Mistakes usually result in a loss of points or loss of service.

What are the Table Tennis Doubles Game Rules?

The table tennis doubles game is played between two teams. Each team consists of two players. Teams fight to gain superiority over the opposing team.


The team that will start the game with service is determined by a toss. The rules for throwing and hitting the ball during service are the same as the rules for individual play. When serving, the ball must be thrown clearly upwards and hit. Athletes of the team that has the right to serve serve from the back right corner. In doubles, at each change of service, the previous receiver becomes the server; The previous server's partner will be the greeter, this rule continues until the end of the game.


In the table tennis doubles game, players alternate the order of serve. Players from each team send the ball to the opposite field in turn after the service.

• Players must help each other to pass the ball into the opponent's half. Communication and harmony within the team are important to pass the ball.

• Each player must hit the ball at least once. The next player can only touch the ball once, and then the opposing team's player takes the kick.

Number System:

In table tennis doubles play, the numbering system is the same as in individual play. The game is played over 11 points and each team wins the set when it reaches 11 points before the opposing team.

Errors and Penalties:

In table tennis doubles play, the same mistakes and penalties as in individual play also apply. For example, situations such as throwing the ball from the wrong place during service, hitting the ball more than once, or obstructing the opposing player's view are considered errors. Mistakes usually result in a loss of points or loss of service.

Table tennis doubles game is an enjoyable experience that requires teamwork, communication and harmony. By following these rules, you can be successful in the table tennis doubles game and enjoy the game.


• If a set in table tennis is not completed within 10 minutes of playing time, the accelerated system will be switched to the accelerated system after this period or at any time if both players or couples request it.

• If at least 18 total points are reached in a set, the accelerated system will not be used.

• If the ball is in play when the time limit is reached, the game will be stopped by the referee to switch to the accelerated system and the game will restart with the serve of the server in the stopped rally.

• If the ball is not in play when the accelerated system is switched, the game will start with the service of the player who was the receiver in the previous rally.

• From now on, each player will take turns serving for a point, and if the receiving player or pair makes 13 good returns, the receiving side will win a point.

• When the accelerated system is switched, all sets will be played with the accelerated system until the end of that match.

In this article, we have discussed Table Tennis Rules, Singles Table Tennis Rules and Doubles Table Tennis Rules in detail.


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